Graduate students Matt Barker and Will Hirsch launch the Matrice 200 aircraft with Altum sensor to capture thermal imagery of white oak mistletoe in Corvallis, OR (2021).
PhD student Matt Barker prepares to launch the Matrice 200 aircraft with Altum sensor to detect Pacific madrone leaf blight in a western Oregon plantation (2020).
Graduate students Bryan Begay and Matt Barker collect field data on Pacific madrone blight severity in a western Oregon plantation (2020).
PhD student Matt Barker prepares to launch the Phantom 4 Pro equipped with lidar sensor to study stream restoration effects on Wychus Creek in Sisters, OR (2020).
MS student Katie Nicolato lands the Phantom 4 Pro equipped with lidar sensor during a study of Stage 0 stream restoration effects on Wychus Creek in Sisters, OR (2020).
PhD student Matt Barker prepares to launch the Matrice 200 aircraft with Altum sensor to study stream restoration effects on the South Fork McKenzie River, OR (2019).